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How we fought New York’s 
No. 1 harassment lawyer
— and won

How we fought New York’s No. 1 harassment lawyer
— and won

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Levin-Epstein, P.C. Third Quarter 2021 Highlights

As we continue to emerge from these unprecedented times with the Coronavirus pandemic, we want to convey our good wishes for your health and wellness.

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Levin-Epstein, P.C. Second Quarter 2021 Highlights

As the second quarter of 2021 ends, we have, thankfully, in Manhattan, put the worst of the Coronavirus pandemic behind us.

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Levin-Epstein P.C. First Quarter 2021 Highlights

Since the New Year, we have been among the minority of Manhattan-based businesses to physically return to the office. Check out all the highlights here.

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Levin-Epstein P.C. 2020 Highlights

During these challenging times with the Coronavirus pandemic affecting our lives, we want to convey our prayers and good wishes for your health.

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