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Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act – Small Business – Mini Bail-Out – FREE MONEY FOR SMALL BUSINESSES
Title 1 of the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) is the “Keeping American Workers Paid and Employed Act”
Levin-Epstein P.C. COVID-19 Update & Newsletter First Quarter 2020
As we all face the unprecedented and challenging times ahead, Levin-Epstein & Associates, P.C. is reaching out to convey our prayers and good wishes
Levin-Epstein P.C. 2019 Highlights
As 2020 begins, it is with pleasure that we share with you some notable highlights of the past year.
Levin-Epstein P.C. Newsletter Third Quarter 2019
It is my great pleasure to share with you some highlights for Levin-Epstein & Associates, P.C. in the third quarter of 2019.
Levin-Epstein P.C. Newsletter Second Quarter 2019
Dear friends, It is my great pleasure to share with you some highlights for Levin-Epstein & Associates, P.C. in the second quarter of 2019.